
Who is MURANA? 

Murana was the name given to me, by my soul sister, to mean RESILIENT - at a time when I felt anything but.  Through these daily sacred rituals, I rediscovered my inner resilience and I'm here to share these gifts with you.  While my story is mine in the details, it is not my story alone.  We're all walking this journey together.  You my friend, are resilient. 
You are MURANA. 


You're stronger than you think you are. But if you're anything like me, you may need a gentle reminder to slow down, breathe deeply and take a moment that is just for You. 

Your daily sacred rituals can be as simple as how you place your feet on the ground when you roll out of bed, the steps you make to create your morning cup of coffee or taking a few extra moments to allow the warm water from the shower to run over your sleepy head. It's all in how we place our intention. 

Following the rhythm of the moon in all her fullness and the new energy that comes with her darkness. Syncing our own natural cycle to the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Journaling and moving through our emotions with yoga postures, pranayama and sitting in silent meditation - even if only for a few moments. These are gifts we give our Selves.

This is how we fill our cup. Drip by drip. 

HEre's how we can connect:

discover magick:


online yoga classes, meditation and mindfulness workshops 


sacred ritual products, handcrafted for deep self-love


connect deeply with heart-centered women on your path

Sacred Ritual Shop

Each sacred ritual item is crafted with the finest botanicals sourced from farmers who practice sustainable, organic growing.

Handmade with the highest of intentions of personal healing for you to enjoy, time and time again. 
Inside the MURANA shop, you will find simple ways to incorporate ceremony through tea, essential oil rollers, smudge sticks, gemstone jewelry and more. 


Mindfulness Practices

Through simple movement of body + breath, we connect with Self. We arrive home. 

Yoga does not have to be complicated, to be affective. I also do not believe we have to twist in knots, stand on our head and wear $100 yoga pants to achieve harmony, balance and strength. These qualities lie within us - sometimes we just need to slow down, breathe deeply and plant our feet on the ground to be reminded of our resiliency. 



Chill Pill Essential Oil

"I honestly don't know what I would do without my Chill Pill roller."

"... Every time I wear it, it immediately calms my nerves. Perfect for work and dealing with day to day tasks of being a mama to 2 very busy boys!"

"As a teacher, Stephanie makes the environment very welcoming for the inexperienced to the experienced."


Group yoga

"...I think many people may shy away from classes anywhere because they feel self-conscious and she makes every effort to eliminate that feeling people may have while taking her classes!!"

"I can absolutely tell MURANA products are made with love - you can just FEEL it!"


Sacred Ritual Products

"... I've purchased several products that i love, but my absolute favorites are the Sleepytime tea, Chill Pill EO roller and botanical bath salts. I mean, it's a guarantee solid nights sleep if I use even just one, but when I use all three together - wow!" 

"Stephanie’s online yoga session was peaceful and centering during this confusing time of COVID19."


Online Yoga

"... I thought I would feel disconnected by participating online, but it was quite the opposite. I enjoyed being able to practice in the comfort of my home and it was heartwarming to share this experience with others, even though we are physically apart."

"As a teacher, Stephanie is thorough and patient, kind and generous."


Group Yoga

"... She makes it a good experience for all and makes you feel very comfortable, no matter your level of experience or limitations."

SoulFull Seasons 

A yearlong journey of ritual + ceremony in connection with Self, nature and heart-centered community. 

Rediscover the beauty and magick that lies within our everyday through mindfulness practices, herbal DIY, crystals, journaling and more. This is a self lead offering with a strong community support of sacred sisters who walk this path together. I see you. I know this year has been hard. But it's also been full of possibilities and beauty. 
Sometimes we just have to look a little harder to find the magick - and sometimes we have to create it for our Selves. 

Learn more


Deep reverence for inner seasons of change...

Connection with self + community + nature...

Integrate sacred rituals into your everyday... 

Rediscover your own magick that lies within... 


It's never too late



your heart

or reignite your



All Levels Daily
Yoga Practice

Cultivate a personal home practice with gentle movement + connection to breath. A wonderfully simple, yet powerful, 5 minute yoga practice that can extend to 30 minutes or longer, depending on your needs.