
Day 99: Plank Pose

I'm Stephanie

Welcome to this little corner of the web, where I share musings of earth magick, everyday ritual + ceremony and connection with Self.  My hope, is this becomes a space for us to connect, share, inspire and be inspired by one another. I look forward to connecting with you more! 

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We’re almost half way through the Sun Salutation series with Plank Pose!

I remember hating this pose in high school gym class and while it has gotten significantly easier from doing 108 of them every single day for the past 99 days – it’s the first pose that I find myself “cheating” in. I can tell when I am getting tired in my practice when I start to sag in my lower back or round my shoulders in plank. This is usually my sign to slow it down or stop and return to my practice later in the day.

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happy little side kick

Plank pose is typically used as a transitional pose in yoga, and is used as a strengthening exercise in many fitness and sports programs. In yoga classes, proper alignment of Plank pose is often overlooked and I am as guilty as the next teacher! This pose is however, a foundational pose to many arm balancing poses and helps to build strength and stamina in your practice. So, without further ado – here is my little instructional video where I lead you into this power packed pose!

Benefits include:

  • Tones all core muscles of the body, including the abdomen, chest, and lower back
  • Strengthens the arms, wrists, and shoulders, and is often used to prepare the body for more challenging arm balances
  • Strengthens the muscles surrounding the spine, improving posture
  • Builds endurance and stamina
  • Tones the nervous system

Plank is an essential component of Sun Salutations and is often used as a transitional pose. It can also be practiced on its own to build strength and stamina.

Modification and Props:

  1. If you are new to the pose, lower your knees onto the mat in Half Plank Pose and work on building strength from here until you are able to do the full pose. Make sure to keep your head and spine in a straight line, avoiding any dips or bumps in your lower back and shoulders.
  2. If your wrists get sore, you can roll the top edge of your mat and rest the base of your palms on the extra cushioning with your fingers gently curled. Press down through your index fingers to relieve extra pressure on your wrists.
  3. Another option for sore wrists, or if you have a history of carpal tunnel syndrome is to make fists with your hands, keeping the same alignment with your arms or shoulders.

For more of a challenge, try a one legged version by lifting one foot off of the mat at a time and either holding with the leg extended, or bringing the knee in to your chest. Then switch legs!

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MOON OBSESSED, Green Witch with a side of DR. Quinn Medicine WOman

Hello friend,
grab a cup of tea and settle in. I'm so glad you are here.

Every step of my journey has brought me to this moment, sharing these gifts with you. I invite you on this journey with me as we rediscover our inner resilience through daily sacred rituals of yoga, connection with nature, botanicals, crystals and more.

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The Best Kept Secret for a Blissful Day. 

I have a very strong belief that our days start the night before. Nighttime rituals invite you into a rejuvenating + peaceful sleep, allowing you to wake feeling ready to land softly into the new day. 
Rest easy friend, I've got you x



An invitation to connect deeply with your Self and discover the magick that lies within, by my girl Dia Michelle Smith aka Dazzle x


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All Levels Daily
Yoga Practice

Develop a personal home practice with gentle movement + connection to breath. A wonderfully simple, yet powerful, 5 minute yoga practice that can extend to 30 minutes or longer, depending on your needs. 

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Resilient Healing x 
