Here you will find personal musings of healing, ritual + ceremony. My hope is that you discover your own sense of magick through working with botanicals in DIY herbal recipes, tea and elixir potions + crystal work. I look forward to connecting more with you as we journey through the seasons together and learn from one another.
I am delighted to share my “secret recipes” with you and I hope that you find contentment knowing they are 100% C H E M I C A L FREE and […]
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MOON OBSESSED, Green Witch with a side of DR. Quinn Medicine WOman
Every step of my journey has brought me to this moment, sharing these gifts with you. I invite you on this journey with me as we rediscover our inner resilience through daily sacred rituals of yoga, connection with nature, botanicals, crystals and more.
Let's Connect
SoulFull Seasons is my soul offering of guiding you through the Wheel of the Year, beginning February 1st for Imbolc. Join us on a yearlong exploration of ritual and connection with Self.
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A collection of Sacred Ritual items and practices to support harmony, strength and resiliency. While we all have our own stories, we do not travel alone.
My hand is at your back, sis - I've got you x
Let's go >