Day 27-32: HOME
This week has gone by FAST as I settle back into a routine and prepare for my first 108 Sun Salutation CELEBRATION at Peace Learning Center in Eagle Creek Park THIS FRIDAY, April 24th. This will end my first 36 days of the campaign and will be the last day to donate...
Day 25-26: Wanderlust
It’s past midnight and even though I should be exhausted from travel, I am wide awake. I arrived back in Indianapolis earlier today and while I was nowhere near ready to leave sunny California, my Uber driver recognized my great big sigh of relief when he...
Day 24: THIS is yoga – Part One.
A good friend of mine asked a great question that I am going to answer through a series of blog posts this week. Brooke asked one day, “I know yoga is suppose to be good for me, but how is it good for me?” Honestly, she stumped me. I know yoga is good for ME, but the...
Day 23: Women’s Health (warning: may be lots of girl talk)
I have written a whole series of blog posts, answering a good friend’s question of “why is yoga good for me?”, ready to post daily while I am in San Diego so that I could be more present and just enjoy my time here with one of my dearest friends who I am infinitely...
Day 22: Peace Learning Center
As I write this, I am high above the clouds and finally have a chance to tell you all about Peace Learning Center and their SUPER power PEACE spreading LOVE programs that stretch far beyond our 465 grid. This is a post I have been wanting to share for a while now, and...
Day 20-21: Slight Road Block
So I’ve been fighting what seems to be a chest cold for the past 2 days and today it decided to come at me full force. I took the morning off, and started to feel better but then it came back and I’m hacking and sniffling and fighting a low grade fever. I...
Day 19: Need More YIN!
Yesterday was a half way point through my first 36 days – it sort of scares me how fast this challenge is going! While I have noticed a few changes in my body and psyche that need some love, I also have noticed areas of improvement with an increase in my...
Day 16-18: Easter Kapha
This weekend was full of much needed family time. It had been a while since I have been able to see my mom, sisters and my sweet nephews and it always grounds me again to go back home. I did my best to stay in the moment, and I enjoyed every bit of it. My oldest...
Day 12-15: PITTA Explosions
I’ve been a little silent and have deliberately taken a break from “screen time”. With all these sun salutations, I have noticed a significant increase in my Pitta ie my fire. In Ayurveda philosophy every body type is categorized into 3 different doshas and each dosha...
Day 11: Rambles
It was 10:00 before I got home from work, did my chicken chores (that sounds ridiculous) and showered – and I still had 70+ salutations to do. I squeaked in my Salutations before midnight, I have coping mechanisms that involve being extra mindful during these pm...